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This week astro update > Jan 20th

Today, January 14th, 5 planets are in Capricorn. F-i-v-e.

Sun: Planet of Government & ego

Saturn: Working class and Planet of obstacles & blocks.

Jupiter: Planet of belief systems and finances.

Mercury: Planet of Intellect and business

And now

The Moon.

This 5 planet dance in Capricorn comes as Sun just moves into Capricorn and as Venus, as few days ago, moves to join the rest of the planets all on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. All planets being hemmed on one side of the Rahu- Ketu axis makes things lop sided, this is called ‘Kal-Sarpa Yoga’. Things will be lop sided until January 24th, where all resources will be used to move upward, to rise up, and create a better future. This is not done without some confusion, uneasiness nor without some hot headedness. This will not be a peaceful time. 'Kal-Sarpa Yoga' in the traditional astrology texts is considered inauspicious and is a fateful time that creates sudden misfortunes. It is not a rare occurrence in the sky, although it is not one that is looked forward to.

Just be mindful of your own emotions and do not make big decisions until after January 24th if you can help it.

Sun moved into Capricorn yesterday, signaling a new solar month. Sun is strong is in this position each year, yet this year, being stuck with Saturn- this causes a crunch, stress and tension on the governmental sphere by the people (Saturn). Jupiter, Mercury and Moon are in the star of the ear, putting extra emphasis on media tension, finances and business being on a bit of an up and down wave, as we hold our breath for what fructifies with the government.

Things may seem silent on the protest front. But expect, EST 6pm January 14th til January 15th to be a day of some anger on display, as Moon will move into Dhanishta (a star ruled by Mars). This may be a smaller preview of what we will see on the 20th of January when Moon & Mars are conjunct.

On the day of the Inauguration, Moon and Mars are conjunct in the sign of Aries. This is extra volatile, as both planets are extroverted here and highly motivated. Where is their motivation towards? People in positions of power (Ketu in Jyestha )that have a strong hand in the way businesses are run in America (Mercury in Dhanistha).

January 22nd Saturn moves into the star of the ear, Shravana, that has deep ties with media. I would not be surprised if there is a media blackout on this day or if talks of media ‘blocking’ things resurface.

Below is the chart of the Inauguration 12:00pm, January 20th, 2021. Washington DC.

We have Aries rising with the Moon and Mars conjunction at the head. The Ascending star at that moment of 12:00pm EST is Bharani, a star related to women (Venus), rebirth (symbol the female yoni), death (ruled by Lord Yama, the judge and god of death), cars and traffic (both Venus ruled).. among so many other things.

I see possible use of water to deflect protesting and I see the possibility of cars being used for barricading.

Things will not go on without some obstacles.

Lets see....

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