In Ayurveda, we put extra emphasis on digestion. Take care of your digestion, and your body will take care of the rest.
You are not what you eat, but you are what you digestion.
The process of digestion is a sequence by which food is transformed into finer and finer life building molecules. Then, what is not utilized is eliminated.
Take a moment and think about what food you build your body with, and if there is any stress or strain in the process of assimilation and elimination.
If the answer is yes, your body is asking for help.
The degree you can access nutrients from your food and the degree by which you can eliminate the items unwanted, can determine your state of health and wellness.
Small alterations in not only what we eat, but how we eat, can make all the difference.
Living your unique version of vibrant health looks like bright and soft skin complexion, fluid joint movements, proper and easy elimination, and a clear mind and emotional activity - just to name a few.
Your body's whole core, is given to the organs of digestion. Making the first initial stage of mastication to stomach, very important part. So often we even forget to chew our food. An old and dear friend told me a long time ago that in the military there is a saying 'Swallow Now, Chew Later'. Eating is not a race, there is no prize if you finish your plate first. And I wouldn't consider indigestion a 'prize.'
What you can do---
Slow down, sit down, and relish the food in front of you. It took months to grow, time to prepare and now you can enjoy every bit with gratitude. To help facilitate ease in digestion, consider a hot ginger tea after your meal along with chewing a teaspoon pop of roasted fennel seeds to reduce acidity and gas formation. Also, figure out your Ayurveda Dosha type, and eat by your body's design. Reach out to get an AZTRIBE Ayurveda Consult.
Valuing your meal time, eating with relish, chewing fully, following your meal with hot ginger tea and roasted fennel seeds are simple Ayurveda life-hacks that will honor your digestive fire and get you on the way to establishing more healthy habits.
The Jist:
Take a moment to slow down before you consume food.
Be grateful for the food you are about to consume. This instantly allows your body-mind to receive the subtle healing benefits of the food you are nourished by.
Choose the food you eat consciously and with awareness. No mindless eating, mindful eating.