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The Personal Renaissance : Fall Planetary Transits

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

In the Sidereal Zodiac, Sun sits in Leo, strong and in its own sign, next to a Retrograde Mercury rendering it combust for the next two weeks, until Sept 13th. Mercury will be Retrograde until Sept 15th…

Right now (09/01/2023):

Venus is retrograde until Sept 2nd.

Mercury is retrograde until Sept 15th.

Saturn will continue to be retrograde until Nov 3.

Rahu is in Gandhanta Zone 'Karmic Knot' of the Zodiac until Jan 1st 2024

Then on Sept 4th, Jupiter go retrograde.

Sun transiting its own sign of Leo gives a boost, yet with all this Retrograde energy in the sky, there is a lot of re-evaluation and misunderstandings to be had. I coin this a very 'nostalgic' time, with the energies pulling us inward. Who will we be on the other side? Pieces shuffle in September and seem to land in October.

>>>> Half of the Zodiac is experiencing their 'Lord' or ruling planet being retrograde; Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. (With Sagittarius and Pisces rising signs joining Sept 4th).

This shows that people are really feeling a personal renaissance. It is important for these signs to watch their health, as a retrograde Lord can make one susceptible to sickness. <<<<

Venus is re-assesing what we love - Venus ruled items like: car, comforts, luxuries, art, music, love/romance, female friendships. etc all get a double take. Venus’s transit has been over Cancer and Leo signs this summer, drawing connections to creative projects, home life and children-self balance. Its been a long retrograde period of 6-weeks for Venus. The planet has been working on all of us.

Mercury’s retrograde period will only be 3-weeks, and will all be in Leo. The first week in Sept will be when the retrograde will be at its most inhospitable- as it will be Retrograde and Combust. Leo symbolizes our sense of Identity, our creativity, the drama, the recreation/fun, the risk taking, but also children. Do we spend our time on creative projects and treating ourselves to resting at home or luxuries, or will be spend the time on our children? On the spiritual side Leo symbolizes mantras, or sacred sounds- this could be a great time to re-evaluate where we spend our time, how we interact with and design the creative projects we have been investing time in. We are being asked to take a look at what we have done so far, and consider how we want to move forward with our identity. Mercury symbolizes our speech, finances, numbers, business, technology and our intellect. I do expect there to be some strong financial shifts during these 3 weeks, as usually Mercury combust the Sun causes inflation, but with it retrograde, there will be a change in its expression giving us an idea of how we might have been doing things wrong and the Government (Sun) will need to re-evaluate their approach.

Jupiter goes retrograde on Sept 4th. Our personal views, morals, ethics, our own brand of spirituality gets a review. Jupiter is retrograde in Aries, the martian sign of aggression, action and motivation. The first part of this transit will have us focus on our ideals and philosophies about love, relationships, sexuality- revising these, adding new ones, and healing. See where faith and prayer can help over-come addiction, trauma and open up your feminine side. The later part of the transit, later Nov-Dec, will bring in learning about alternative healing methods- also an inner spiritual warrior may be found during this transit. This is a time to understand how we use brute force and how we use our might - review the direction we pursue // where we put our energy. Learn about alternative healing, reconnect with your ancestry.


Looking more forward Sept 24th, 2023 is the start of Mars Combust the Sun in Virgo. They maintain enough distance to not make the transit seem difficult until Mid November. Mid November, both Sun and Combust Mars are in Libra and get closer in degrees to make us all sweat. Mars will be Combust until Jan 15th 2023. The most difficult time will be from November 14th 2023, until Dec 19th. This does not seem to be a safe time for diplomacy and will be a time of aggression and suspicion amongst governments globally. In the chart of US Government, the main event of the transit will be in the 12th house of loss, expenditures, wastage, hospitals, etc.. Healthcare, hospitals, foreign enemies/institutions and organizations could be involved in loss associated with the USA or to its governmental or religious leaders. I will write about what this means for each sign in the months to come.

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