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The Ayurveda of Asana

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

Vata, Pitta and Kapha can be applied to your Yoga Asana sequence.

Yogadandasana balances all three doshas =VPK

The Three Doshas; Vata, Pitta and Kapha, are the pillars of Ayurveda, and what distinguishes this healing modality from others.

In brief, Vata is lightness, Pitta is heat, Kapha is groundedness. Vata asanas promote lightness in the body, Pitta asanas promote heat in the body and Kapha asanas promote groundedness in the body. If you find you have too much of 'lightness,' try grounding asanas, and too much of 'heat' in the body, try asanas that decrease heat in the body rather than promoting it.
Yoganidrasana increases Kapha and decreases Vata

Calm Vata down with a seated floor routine, reduce Pitta's heat by a series of twists, or lighten the heaviness of Kapha with a standing routine.

To create your own practice, it is important to know the locations of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body. Through knowing these locations, you can create a VPK experience by involving these locations. Locations in the body are from bottom to top. > Vata feet to navel, Pitta in the middle, Kapha chest to head.

Similarly, in the process and science of Yoga, focusing on these locations of the body will be directly effecting that dosha. Ayurveda is a science of opposites:

if things are hot, cool it down. If things are sluggish, lighten it, and if things are spaced-out, ground it.

Grounding asanas are conducted with as many parts of your body touching the earth- sitting asanas and laying asanas.

To Lighten the body, the points touching the ground are reduced, in the case of 'Sirasana' or head stand.

Where does that leave Pitta? again, in the middle. Twist. Wring the belly out like a sponge.

But, some may like it hot. If you want to promote heat in the body, rev-up the metabolism and burn sluggishness away, consider warrior pose, or 'Virabhadrasana.' As you stay in this asana and feel the quadriceps burn, you'll understand in no-time how this asana is great for building heat. Disclaimer: those with hot tempers, consider chandra namaskara, the lunar equivalent to the sun salutation.

Natarajasana increases Vata and decreases Kapha

The next time you do your own yoga practice, consider incorporating Ayurveda's Tri-Dosha concept and get a balanced amount of these three categories of asanas.

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