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SATURN Transit 2023 Part I : Saturn Return and Main Themes.

We are in the last 4 months of a 2.5 years transit that has rocked our individual and collective worlds! On January 19th 2023, Saturn will leave its 2.5 year stint in Capricorn for good. What we have been through these past 2.5 years can be marked down as 'lesson's learned,' as we move onward to the new Saturn-Aquarian chapter.

Do you have major planets in Aquarius? Schedule a Vedic Astrology Reading to forecast Saturn's effect in-depth! Click Here.

Saturn Return

>> In January, those born in 1991,1992, and early 1993; will have finished up their 2.5 years of Saturn return! Second Saturn Return ending for those born in 1961,1962,1963.

>> In January, those born in later 1993, 1994, and early 1995; will start their 2.5 years of Saturn return! Second Saturn Return beginning for those born in 1963,1964,early 1965.

Relief for those born in-between 1991-1993 & 1961-1963, and heads up for those born in-between 1993-1995 & 1963-1965.

Those born in 1993- 1995 & 1963-1965 will have received a taste of what their Saturn return held in store for them this past June to mid July. Reflect on the themes here, as they forshadow future events and lessons to come.

Saturn Return: is a 'coming of age' transit, we mature into our next phase, get serious and ground down into doing something meaningful/tangible in life. We feel the pressure of time, resources, and our emotions, and we are needing to choose what is best for us long haul.

Saturn Return allows you to choose what that is 'that is best for you long haul' and align with it. It may feel like a 'grind' but it is what is needed to make up for the lack of commitment and responsibly avoidance of most of your 20s.

Second Saturn Return brings in the imfamous 'Mid Life Crisis,' when around the age of 58-60, we get a hard look at how we are doing in life. Of course, some mid life crises can happen before this 2.5 year Saturn Return and instead be ushered in by the 7.5 year transit of Saturn over one's natal moon called 'Sade Sati.' Regardless, one's second Saturn Return helps the individual understand the choices in their life thus far and how to align for a better future and for retirement.

What does Saturn's transit through Aquarius in 2023- 2025 mean?

Saturn will be in Aquarius from January 19th 2023 to March 29th 2025. This 2.5 year period will see Saturn retrograding twice:

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

June 17th 2023- Nov 4th 2023

June 29th 2024- Nov 15th 2024

Saturn in Aquarius arrives back after almost 30 years. 

Aquarius is a Fixed, Air sign, and with the symbol of a Water Pitcher. These are notably contradictory items to merge into a synthesis of what Aquarius rules. Fixed signs are more 'creatures of habit' and easily stabilize in their ways of doing things. Being an air sign, their habits are creative, travel oriented, constantly onto the next thing, and spreading ideas, spreading themselves thin, ingenuity etc. In a simple sentence, they are very fixed in their worries. This is a sign that requires effort, and with great effort those with prominent planets change their ways from stubbornly erratic and paranoid, to understanding healthy boundaries. Saturn is here to do this.

Saturn is in its own sign. This shows us that for the next 2.5 years it will be working within its natural tendencies and feels 'at home.'

We leave the Capricorn energy of how to work hard personal goals, and now we are asked to work for a larger purpose, and a larger goal than ourselves in this Aquarian energy.

Saturn asks for us to dissolve our individual needs for the collective needs, the motive moves from personal to universal. All tests and trials given during this transit in Aquarius will be towards this aim.

Watch our for:

We must be mindful of over glamorizing service, feeling proud of how self-sacrificing we are and seeking ego gratification for how 'conscious' we are i.e. " I am more environmentally conscious than you" or " The community I am apart of makes more of an impact than your community." Our version of philanthropy and service is not better than someone elses. Instead of judging the changes one makes in ones life, commend them and uplift them.

Get a Reading to align yourself with these changes, and offset any negativity from the transit. Click Here.

What we should do:

Feel into your version of Philanthropy and giving. How can we each give back?

We should support those around us. Find where we are at fault first before pointing the finger at the collective unit. Find ways to integrate into your community and make an impact (whatever that may look like for you.) Because Saturn is a planet of restriction and pessimism, it may feel scary to start something new or enter into a new group gathering/activity etc. Your commitment will be rewarded with an abundant sense of community and purpose. We are all here to help others, and Capricorn these last 2.5 years has showed us the value in first helping ourselves to be better- we must walk the talk and not be too quick to judge others.

Coming Soon: Read Part II
SATURN Transit 2023 Part II : Each Sign.
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