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Everybody Needs to be on Noni Juice

Writer's picture: aztribenetworkaztribenetwork

Updated: May 12, 2021

I resisited, but Noni juice works!
Go to: Wailua River Noni Juice made by Monks on Kauai

The final straw was when I came down with fatigue, headaches, and a general decrease in vitality after enjoying way too much coffee to keep up with a demanding schedule.

Noni Juice helped me adapt, get my body back on track after rough nights of no sleep, constant work, drained energy that all led to my body and digestion becoming sluggish. The lattes I enjoyed sent me into headache land, and I was a grump to be around.

All of this contributed to a less than sparkly 'Me,' and I needed to figure out how to bounce back fast.

We bought a big bottle of Noni juice made by the Hindu Monks at the Kauai Monastery and drank 2 ounces and felt some sparkle returning.

Noni or Morinda Citrifolia, is a Tahitian medicine fruit that was one of the 25 'canoe plants' brought over by the first Polynesian settlers of the Hawaiian Islands. Side note, not to sugar coat it, but this fruit, when ripe, has a 'stinky blue-cheese/ sock' sort of a smell and flavor. Consider this your warning- It is a pungent experience all around- so be prepared.

I never said feeling amazing tasted good- at least in the beginning. Its a funky fruit that will leave you feeling brighter, with this, you'll generate a palate for it.

The leaves, fruit, and root are all used medicinally. For this article we are just focusing on the juice made from ripe fruits.

I consider Noni Juice to be in the same line as the effectiveness of Beet juice in rejuvenating the blood and body. Beet Juice, and beet crystals are often used by athletes to amplify and optimize their performance naturally.

The Western Science Perspective

analgesic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, detoxifier, and cell-rejuvenator properties(S. Kannan).

anti cancer activity with researched effectiveness in mammary tumors, reducing tumor volume and tumor weight, along with augmenting mammary gland differentiation (A. Brown, W. Clafshenkal). For those looking to detox or do a parasite cleanse, Noni juice would be effective support (F.Souza). In addition to parasites, the free radicals and oxidative stress induced by cigarette smokers can be combatted with non juice- lipid profile was influenced considerably- reducing high cholesterol(LDL), and high blood pressure (M. Wang). Those looking for alternative support for Type 2 Diabetes can find it in implementing Noni Juice into the diet (P.Nerurkar).

In large doses, a aqueous extract, or juice, can create a anxiolytic, sedative, and slight hypnotic experience (S. Kannan). This is helpful in those that experience episodes of anxiety, a common happening in living in this ever-surprising 21st century. Nutritional analysis of Noni here.

The Ayurveda Science Perspective

Noni known as Indian mulberry or Al/ Achi in Hindi or Ashyuka in Sanskrit, is used as digestive tonic that stimulates internal cleansing and pacifies all three Doshas, Vata-Pitta and Kapha. There are only so many plant medicines that pacify all three Doshas, by this standard Noni should be taken notice of. The fruit juice is sweet and sour (vinegar-ish) and is cooling to the body. I consider the Noni juice to be Ama pachana & Agni deepana in action- reducing toxic build up in the body and resetting digestion, and to be alikened to apple cider vinegar's benefits but triple-fold.

1 ounce before meals on an empty stomach can be used for those with generally health constitutions.

Western Herbalism Perspective

Noni is from the Madder family, Rubiaceae, that includes other plants like Coffee, Cinchona (source of Quinine, a malaria drug), and Ipecac (a plant used to remedy being poisoned by inducing nausea).


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