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New MOON Sagittarius: Jan-12th-2021

Moon & Sun join in sagittarius in the star of Uttara Ashada, ruled by the Sun.

Sun and Saturn are ruling the sky. When these two planets bring in their energies, tension ensues.

This is the brain crunch. Sun planet of Government and Saturn planet of the working class.

Moon and Sun are in Uttara Ashada star, known for bringing us unchallenged and long victory.

A star ruled by lord Ganesha, it highlights the obstacles that are usually in a persons way to achieve a lasting victory and how through proper propitiation of Lord Ganesha, lasting victory is yours.

Yet, Saturn also occupies the star where this New Moon is occurring, Uttara Ashada, just in the later degrees that occupy Capricorn. Its effects are still felt. Since the Sun rules the government, we can see how our emotions and intuitive ability to feel what is right (Moon), is a bit compromised with this new Moon and such a soup of planet influence in Capricorn-an extra dose of fear (Saturn).

The moment of the true New Moon, is when the Moon and Sun are sharing exact degree. This moment shown in the chart below, has Cancer rising on the horizon. This brings up again, the emotions related to the current government issues, fear around local and national security (ruled by Cancer), and with Mars strong and hemmed between Mercury and Rahu. In the global mind a need presses on the public, a need for quick calculated action to figure out the root issues at hand and root them about (Venus in star of the root Mula), in order to get back to harmony (Venus). Harmony has been sacrificed due to the suspicions and miss information from authority (Ketu in Scorpio and in Jyestha star of authority). This will continue to be a theme.

Venus joins Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, making 3 planets in Sagittarius, sign of war and beliefs. Another zodiac heavy with influence in the sky? is Capricorn. With currently three planets in its 30 degree slice of sky- Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. Hard work, Belief systems and planet of intellect all smushed. These three planets next to the New Moon happening in Sagittarius are causing us to consider hard working alternatives and also, holding onto finances.

This is not a new Moon to take financial risks, although Mars in Aires is creating impatience and risky business.

What sort of risky business? Business of conspiracy and suspicions- due to its star lord being in the naturally suspicious zodiac of Scorpio, Ketu. People may feel they need to take risks with their stocks and other speculative activity. But it is best to wait, and listen to larger global trends as Jupiter and Mercury in Shravana, star of the ear. The chart below is rotated to show the true message delivered in this New Moon.

Oddly enough, there is a lot of difficulties concerning women and government. I am interested to see if scandals involving women or issues that involve women who hold governmental positions will come to surface this month.

Below is the chart of the coming Full Moon at the end of January. the 28th. I see national security still being an issue, violence towards women in government positions, or general scandals about women flooding the media. By the end of this month we will have 4 planets in Capricorn and three of those 4 in the star of Shravana, the ear. Issues about cell phones will come up, media will continue to be reporting on issues of domestic security and domestic issues. I dont see things getting much better, if anything this month is going to be a very interesting one. All of this will prepare us for the conjunction of Mars and Rahu at the end of March.

Things to remedy??

Unplug, you will feel extra sucked into your tech devices this month and the TV. Instead, listen to things that sooth you emotionally. Take up the challenge of sweet speech- by communicating to others words of appreciation and value. Gratitude. Continue to explore your personal health goals and the core issues that dont allow for you to make lasting change. To get the root of relationship issues and relationship harmony.

For couples experiencing issues, consider making up the bed every morning together, wearing white more often or washing your car together- these areas all rule Venus.

Your words are going to be extra powerful this month and you will also feel more susceptible to monkey brain and getting sucked into tech- watch this please!

Connect with nature, bring flowers to a beloved females grave or ashes. Watch out for water issues in the basement or clean the crawl space of your house.

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