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May in Motion and Lunar Eclipse Finale

Updated: May 10, 2021

May is a loaded month.

By the end of May, we will have experienced a four planet conjunction in Taurus, Jupiter moving into a different star placement, Mercury moving into Gemini and then Retrograding, then Venus moving into Gemini, Saturn Retrograding, and a Lunar Eclipse on the 26th.

(side note in your periphery: June 10th brings a Solar Eclipse.)

June will indeed have a flavor of its own with integrating all the May transitions.

The retrograding planets will spill into most of June, with slow Saturn not coming out of its retrograting until the fall of 2021. Jupiter moving into Shatabishak Nakshatra expands our idea of health and what it means to not be healthy, ushering in a multi-systems approach to health. Depending on the role of Jupiter in your chart, he could support you with health and healing wisdom to share with others, or make you be the recipient to those words of health due to the unawareness of your own health- listen up to prevent complications from expanding. Regardless, a role of thumb for this transit is to protect your liver and protect from diabetes complications, sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and any edema/swelling in the body.

The Lunar Eclipse is taking us for an internal ride on May 26th in Scorpio. This will be a heavy, emotional, a 'heart string pulling' lunar eclipse. We reflect on the past loves and miss the devotion we once had towards something or someone. Thinking about contacting a lost love out of the blue? Tides are high and your curiosity may get the best of you... are you suspicious or curious? What intellectual ground is your curiousity or suspision standing on, if any?

My advice? Take the time to find the divine 'Beloved' within, rather than doing eclipse activities that you may regret. For it is a most confusing time, best to look into 'shunya' or 'void' philosophies.

Yet with most of the action taking place in Taurus this month- Taurus and Scorpio rising signs need to take the most care.

Special Dates in May:

Mercury and Rahu in Taurus – 1st May to 26th May

Mercury, Venus and Rahu in Taurus – 04th May to 26th May

Sun, Venus, Mercury and Rahu in Taurus – 15th May to 26th May

Sun, Venus and Rahu in Taurus – 15th May to 28th May

26th May – Total Lunar Eclipse

23rd May – Saturn Retrograde until 11th October

30th May – Mercury Retrograde until 23rd June

10th June - Solar Eclipse in Taurus (4 planets in Taurus )

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