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MARS Retrograde 2022/2023

Mars Retrograde: October 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023

Sign: Gemini until November 14th, then Taurus until January 12th.

October is here and starts off as a great month. Yet as October draws to a close, we will enter Eclipse season, Saturn comes out of Retrograde motion and Mars chooses to go into Retrograde motion. This is going to have a major impact on all of us, individually and globally.

Hot, compulsive, obsessive, aggressive and impulsive, Mars Retrograde will have these qualities abundantly seen in people, foreign affairs, and in personal life. 
Best to manage aggressive streak and do not entertain arguments unnecessarily. 

Anger, aggression, warfare, this retrograde phase of Mars takes us through the New Year. Mars is showing up as belligerence and its aggressive side is amplified. This is occurring right before Eclipse season commences, causes a further unhinged mental-emotional tact to things. This transit will heat things up on an individual level and a global level- affecting weather patterns, general wellbeing of people, and contribute to a global unrest state.

As long as awareness is used during this transit, we mitigate our inner heat/acidity of our bodies, do not engage in conflict and watch out for overly impulsive behavior - this transit will not be something to worry about. Do not get fired up over criticism. Things can get complicated and messy, there is no need to hurt others or to be vengeful.

Unfortunately, the general population does not live this way, and thus, these energies are free to do with us what they wish. We must create peace within ourselves if we wish to see it outside.

Globally this will highlight the Russia-Ukraine conflict. I do not suspect that this conflict will be over in the near future.

This transit starts in Gemini, then will retrograde back into Taurus. The transit will be moving through Mars and Moon ruled Nakshatras, or lunar mansions, increasing the mental aggressive and physical impulsiveness. As the first part of the transit will be in Gemini, this can create business and communication conflict, that then grounds into more physically destructive examples(buildings homes etc.) when it moves back into Taurus. This is the time to watch the housing market. Mars rules bricks. So the use of bricks as building material, brick homes, or as a rioting weapon, is possible.

MARS Retrograde for Each Sign


This transit highlights courage, errands, travel, food, resources, family, face, inheritance and finances. This is a good time to be particular with food/finances and not impulsively spending/eating. Curb your speech, and your aggressive side towards those around you and family members. Take care of your facial completion, you may be prone to acne/rashes. Favor Bitter herbs.


This transit will highlight family relationship, resources/finances, and then will move to spend most of its time highlighting yourself and your relationship with your partner. This is a transit to curb internal heat/acidity, and aggressive tendencies towards yourself and your partner. Fights and arguments are prone during this transit. Practice patience and awareness. Proceed with caution and do not act impulsively as you are accident prone.


. This transits highlights your body, identity and relationships- these are prone to overheating, aggressive tendency and impulsiveness. November will be a mouth to watch expenditures and obsessive spending. This is time to manage timewasteage and money wastage. Dont let your aggressive/impulsive nature cause unnecessary wastage. Watch sleep, dreams and long distance travel. Meditation is a great way to manage unrest.


The transit will first highlight a need to manage wastage- time and resources. You may get angry about the way resources have been used. meditation is useful to manage the unrest and heat build up in the body. Secondary, in November the transit will be highlighting income, finances, sense of fulfillment and achievement. This is a great time to receive finances blessings and feel like you are achieving what you have set out to achieve. This does come with some possible conflicts with your network and aggressive tendencies towards that you which to achieve. Understand that what you are receiving is a blessings and all you need to do is not let some frustrations get the best of you.


This transit will first highlight your income/finances and sense of fulfillment, enjoy continued wealth and abundance. November would be a month of a lot of hard work and possible aggression in the work space. This is a time to use awareness and patience in dealing with people's emotions around you. This is also a good time to rearrange and redecorate your home life. This is great for construction projects, though you want to be extra mindful at work and at home with being accident prone during this time.


This transit will test your patience with your work and at home. Construction and home projects are possible. You want to make sure you operate with awareness and patience with those around you, as to not say things impulsively or act out of aggression. Later on in the transit you may consider traveling, revising some educational pursuit, knowledge branch or connect with philosophy/spirituality to support you in understanding your interests and emotions.


This transit first highlights travel and philosophy, giving you a feeling of going on an adventure against the elements. Although the second part of the transit will highlight accidents, injuries, sudden unexpected events, windfalls of money as well as sudden expenses. This transit should be done with caution, awareness and patience. Do not do unnecessary risk taking during this time, and it you do, proceed with caution.


This transit highlights unexpected expenses, windfalls of finances, subconscious aggression and impulsive behavior. This transit is best used to better yourself and better the relationship you are in. Be mindful of arguments and unrest within yourself and with those around you. This is a time of heightened frustrations from inside as well as frustrations that may be produced from within. Be mindful of your activities, as you are accident prone. Take care of your romantic relationships.


This transit highlights unrest and frustration within romantic aeltainhsips and partnerships. Then later on will highlight health, digestion and debts. This is the time to organize your finances, expenditure and take care of your digestive health to mitigate any acidity. You will be accident prone during this transit and will feel more aggressive in your emotional nature. Be mindful of debates/arguments, digestive acidity, over heating. Take time to meditate or center yourself in peace.


This transit first highlights your digestion, debts, arguments and accidents. This is a time to proceed with caution until the second half, starting November 14th, of the transit will highlight recreation, education/intelligence, good karma, creative and artistic ventures. Be mindful until November 14th, proceed with caution and enjoy a slower pace of things. This is the time to engage with awareness and calm any unrest you feel with meditation.


This transits highlights fun, recreation and creative pursuits until November 14th. Then you will shift into more home construction/projects, education etc. You will feel more aggressive and 'go getter' spirit in getting things accomplished at work and at home. Yet there may be some argumentative encounters with those at home. Maintain the peace and a calm outlook. Be aware before engaging in those that approach you argumentatively. Proceed with caution around your home, as you will be accident prone from November to January. There is much energy for you to use, use it productively to support your best self.


This transit highlights home, family, happiness, and education. These areas of life get heated up and mobilized until November 14th. This is good for getting projects done, yet emotions will be high at home. Be mindful of those that approach you agressivly or choose consciously how you engage with others. Home life is prone to some tension. From Nov to Jan, expect to be moving around, be cautious during your errand running to not get into an accident, as this is prone to some compulsive behaviors. Find a way to stand firm in yourself with out hurting others. How do you handle your own anger? Be careful of your shoulders and hands getting cut. Enjoy the energizing spirit of things.

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