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Full Moon June 24th

General Look at the Sky....

There are a lot of transitions this month; a new solar month with the Sun in the business and sexuality minded Gemini, Venus enters its new home in Cancer to sit along side Mars creating a passionate yet frustrating combination where getting what we want isn't as easy. We are asked to ' try again' in love and romance, and understanding that the time may not always be right. Mercury has come out of retrograde a day before the Full Moon, and it still sits with the lustful and confusing planet Rahu- which supplies our conversations and business transactions with a tinge of doubt or overinflated feelings. Watch that this doesn't turn into greed. In All, it makes communicating our desires that supply us happiness, a bit tricky. Either we communicate too much that can never be practically delivered or we can't even articulate the small things. Saturn continues to remind us about our inner voice and the discipline in listening and executing what is in our hearts. And Jupiter reminds us of the healing that is needed to be done in order to get a feeling of unbounded fulfillment in life. Now for the Full Moon..

FULL MOON June 24th!

The Full Moon takes place in the religious and war barring sign of Sagittarius where philosophers, teachers and law intersect. The Moon sits in the star of the wildly fierce Goddess Kali, Mula. This is one of my favorite stars, not because it is an easy placement for any planet to occupy, but because of the immense opportunity to rise from the ashes. But it is a more reflective place in the sky, so having a Full Moon makes us feel less reflective and more stirs up our emotional ties and entanglements that have been in the way of letting things go- we have been hesitating the dropping away of the unnecessary and instead this placement of the Full Moon can either take things aggressively out of our grasp or, maybe, just maybe, lets one welcome annihilation of the unnecessary. The Full Moon is connecting all of us with our own (and life's) destructive tendencies, sudden losses, turmoil and ultimately foreshadowing a rebirth that will take us into next month's new Moon as we might reflect more of what this means. First the storm, then the rains of rebirth follow. This is a Full Moon for healing and connects to our genealogy and plant medicine. Conversations around new science discoveries and ancient plant medicine are juxtaposed. The roll of legitimizing ancient herbal medicine in the eyes of a modern science becomes a topic. Using Modern medicine to open up normalizing drugs and hallucinations for chronic diseases - these debates are being had now. Is this therapeutic or feeding and normalizing a family lineage of addiction or both/niether? Mula star is ruled by the male dog and the Sun sits in the area of the sky ruled by the female dog. Health issues with dogs or using dogs for emotional healing can be a theme this week. Either way, invest in herbal healing, and get to the 'root' of the issues. Those I work with, with a lot of Mula in their charts are incredibly inquisitive, and always want to know the 'why' behind things. Those with lots of Mula in their chart also carry the load of past familial karma, and help their family line through their inquiries- because it is only when we face the shadow that we can bring light to it. The yearning to know, and then uproot it- get rid of it from your own life and generations to come.

FULL MOON for Each Sign

Aries This Full Moon highlights your philosophies, your teachers, grace, and all of life upheavals that you have gone through to get to where you are today. You are inquisitive about sacred topics, and medicines. Your intriguing takes a devotional route. Don’t be bothered by the time and pressure of life, continue to listen to your gut as to life direction with you. Meditate and go deep into the fierce goddess Kali. You are struck with a trade off- between your name being known and ego expressed in the world and to those around you, while you focus on the emotional realms about how anything and everything can be lost in a minute. Your name may travel, it may receive praise or criticism that is the nature of the world, but you mind and emotions seem to be locked on the inner depths of spirituality. Taurus This Full Moon highlights your own upheavals, changes and transformations- you get to the root of your relationship with food and any addictive patterns. Communicate what you're feeling. You feel your mind is extra curious and fascinated with the other worldly while also feeling a subtle shake over potential losses relating to your partners health or finances. You seek to know more and get the answers to life’s big questions as well as life’s big investments. Focus on meditation and your relationship with food. You may feel a bit out of sorts as your intellect is confusing you, and you are quick to frustrate. Gemini Your relationships keep your ego in check. This Full Moon highlights and gets you investing the roots of all relationship issues you have had. Does time heal things or has what you have been neglecting created a ‘break -up.’ Time, life and the strangeness of things weighs on your mind. You are called to end things. But your first must be honest about what you desire for your self and for your relationships. This is a great time for reinventing yourself. You are passionate and frustrated with your family and diet. You may feel like you have the answers to others problems, but you must face your own. You worry about losses in business, and the full moon comforts you in that things end, change and you are curious about how this is all going to play out. Continues to focus on your digestion, this Full Moon connects your self love and romantic love to emotional eating. Cancer Your whole being is drawn to investigate health, wellness and herbal medicine. This is all wrapped in your own healing. You continue to have a connection to affirmations and ancestral wisdom of devotion. But you are intrigued, now more than ever, to know it all and to face all the acute and chronic ailments of the body-mind-spirit. You feel passionate, feminine, and desirous of more beauty and sensuality in your life. Women are drawn to you. You are communicating more and seek to dive deeper to broaden you knowledge. This in-turn stimulates your own healing journey and what to means to handle the dark shadows of life, trauma etc. What do you do or say when things fall apart. How to twist the destruction into optimism? Leo This Full Moon highlights mantra, meditation, luck, but also recreational activities and risk. Are your finances in order to take the next adventure or investment that you want? Do you want kids? Or are you feeling very much withdrawn from the typical idea of family and are looking for a deeper more profound experience- spiritually, professionally, and creatively? Continue to support your partner with their health. Reconnect with them and their healing journey by brings affirmation, mantra and other yogic practices back into your life and relationship together. You feel the grips of Mother Kali, the fierce feminine force driving your love life. You feel passionate in the bedroom, but may find your current health and wellness restricting complete satisfaction. Take a breather from managing work finances and coworker craziness. There are egos at play. Virgo This Full Moon highlights happiness, home and education. There may be ego battles at work, be sure to communicate with your teachers, father figures or elders in a way that avoids excessive confusion or upsets- be direct, but kind. You get to the bottom of your finances and think about what will make you genuinely happy. You talk about esoteric topics, or are even drawn to stay silent and more introverted this Full Moon. Are there renovations that you wish to undertake on your home soon? Or are these renovations to your inner world to make room for a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment. Continue to watch digestive health and consider incorporating herbal medicine, consider reorganize your kitchen spices and think of ways to create more healing space around you. Libra This Full Moon highlights younger siblings, courage, health, and communication. Expect sudden shifts with finances, windfalls and ways to get to the bottom of mitigating losses. Business may give you some frustrations and will need to run sudden errands or lean on your local network to help out. Conversations about herbal medicine and healing foods come up on your friend’s circle, this is a great time to have contemplative conversations- more than surface level connections. Benefits from your female relationships at work, yet avoid frustrations and stay the course. Continue to focus on liver health. Elders, father figures and teachers challenge your ego and you are called to tactfully use your words. You feel motivated to expand your risk taking and plan some fun activities, just be watchful for sudden changes and confusion in what risks are worth taking and not to act out a heightening sense of ego. Scorpio This Full Moon highlights savings, family and food. You are drawn to do a cleanse or to uproot food or family habits that create stress or unnecessary upheavals in your life. You will find what you are looking for with plant medicine. Be mindful about the company you share and their possible greedy business strategies- this may rub off on you. Connect love with higher philosophies and deeper spiritual passions. You deepen your education around disease, and how genetics plays a roll. Continue to play with the esoteric, check in with your savings and consider donating to a charity/research institutions etc you admire in order to create room for more profound levels of abundance. You receive when you give- especially when it is from the heart. Sagittarius This Full Moon highlights yourself, your inquisitive nature into retreats, and romantic getaways or passion for mitigating losses. You are thinking about loss and think over how you are helping your lineage. You consider going away from the argumentative potentials and chaos that could ensue with those around you and within your romantic partnerships. There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding with romantic partners when conversing on topics of business philosophy or foreign trade. This is not the time to see who can outwit the other. Continue promoting health to those around you, drink water, and go out for short distance adventures. This is a great Full Moon to consider reinventing yourself, in order to give rise to a new more creative and spiritually contented you. Capricorn This Full Moon has your mind on getaways, retreats, meditation and endings. Financial shifts, understanding savings, financial risks also take your mind for a spin- don't be greedy. You come face to face with the ego involved in the role of risk taking, arguments at work, and the ego attached to ‘working hard’ or putting in the effort. Passions and frustrations with romantic partner. Frustrations and passion with self employed efforts surface as well. This is a great time to navigate the work environment and take time to connect with plant medicine and get to the root of some food, family and financial curiosities. Connect herbal medicine with your network. It is time to let things go, that have outlived their time. Aquarius This Full Moon highlights your network, elder siblings, friends circle and financial gains. You start getting to the root of what career path will give you multi-leveled fulfillment. You connect herbal medicine into the agenda. And find your elder sibling or network benefiting from deeper herbal medicine perspectives and spiritual ideals melding with your business prospective. You do deeper introspection into what fulfills you, what promotes more health and wellbeing in your body. Confusion continues in your home life, as you do business and financial strategies from home. Arguments can come up on difference of financial opinion and who is ‘right’ on topics of stocks of speculative risk taking or even what creative risks are necessary with children. Watch out for sluggish digestion and excess mucus on the body. Pisces This Full Moon focuses on efforts at home and in business. What to do with your career, floods your mind, and instead you look for a retreat from it all. You continue to be practical with your finances and other business ventures become a topic of conversation with those around you. Connect your career goals with spirituality and consider moments of loss and destruction in business as leaving room for times of abundance to flood in. Manage emotional- ego driven storms at home. Dont be frustrated over what risks to take or what recreational activities you should go after. Dont bite off too many risks more than you can chew, stay creative and watch how time unfolds things.

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