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FULL MOON August 2023 (#2)

Can you believe? August is bringing in all the feelings with two Full Moons in one month!


~ August 30th ~

Zodiac: Aquarius

Nakshatra: Shatabhishaka 'The Star of Learning'

Deity: Varuna 'God of the Ocean.'

Symbol: An Empty Circle.

Shakti 'Power': power of healing (bheshaja shakti).

Key Themes

  • Healing and Health Innovation.

  • Solitude and Secrecy.

  • Counter-Culturalism.

  • Hidden Mysteries of Life and Death.

This Full Moon may prove itself a bit heavy. A Full Moon widens our feeling capacity and swells things to the surface. With this Full Moon conjunct Saturn, there may be pessimism in our feelings- melancholy and fear are possible. Use the energy for personal growth and setting up boundaries and practical goals.

The Full Moon will be in occultist and water ruled Shatabishak. Saturn is currently also in Shatabhisak, bringing in the heaviness I mentioned earlier and an even deeper emotional depth. There can be inner feeling of being stuck in the symbolic ‘empty circle’ of Shatabishak- there can be safety within this circle but also so much mystery. This Full Moon has much mystery about it. We will be drawn to water and to healing. There is a desire to be firm and steady even in the midst of this changeable dichotomy of Shatabishak. Regardless, the desire to be firm and strong is the fruit of the healing journey. We are asked to widen our view of life to achieve the physical and psychological healing born out of this Lunar Mansion. Enjoy.

Take advantage of this Full Moon to:

  • Notice addiction in your life- alcohol, drugs etc.

  • Invest in rejuvenation therapies or Healing.

  • Meditation and Yoga are fruitful at this time.

  • Contemplate the mysteries of the Universe with Astrology/ Astronomy.

For Each Sign

Aries: This Full Moon Highlights achievement fulfillment and finances. This is a great time to notice what needs work for the next step of actualizing your potential. There is a balance of hard work and movement. You will be drawn to how your life’s discipline removes obstacles to abundance. Focusing on your health and wellness, is one of these areas of life’s disciplined actions and handwork that can unlock abundance and remove obstacles. This Full Moon is about sustained effort and sacrifice- it is deep and esoteric. To work towards something, the journey, can hold happiness- but be aware of your pessimism that can surround ‘timing.’ Things not happening as quickly as your efforts would reflect. There is a lesson here.

Taurus: This Full Moon highlights your career- life balance. Venus, your lord, will be retrograde until Sept 15th, be mindful of your health, your concept of identity/individuality and how you communicate- these may come up topics for growth and re-evaluation. These next two weeks will challenge your concept of happiness and home- where do you want to live, do you want to get more education? With Sun combust retrograde mercury in your 4th house of happiness and home- you may not be happy working from home or may feel misunderstood in your home-job environment. This is a great time to assess what brings you joy, notice where you could work harder or what projects should be sacrificed? This is the next wave, the next up-leveling coming to you.

Gemini: This Full Moon highlights travel, teachers, and philosophy. You may feel the need to move and involve yourself in something different. Your lord, mercury is retrograde and going to be combust the starting the 31st for a week and a half, your will need to watch what your say, be aware of how you communicate, people around you may feel misunderstood, and so may you. Be slow and steady will getting your point across. You will need more tact during this time. You may feel overlooked or unheard until Sept 14th. But, this will also provide insights you wouldn’t have otherwise. Be open to seeing more drama-theatrics in your life, and resist the urge to add to them.

Cancer: This Full Moon highlights change, transformation, debts and occult studies. This area of the sky also rules near-death experiences and past life karma. This can be heavy stuff to navigate with an emotional sign as Cancer. With Mercury retrograde and combust the next two weeks in your second house of family and fixed assets, you will see where your family is reflecting to you the next phase of your evolution. There may be drama and theatrics from there side, and it is up to you to use your tools and not add to them- how you react and act is within your control. You will be drawn to deeper realms of conversation and healing, though those around you may not be ready for that healing to happen. Venus is retrograde in your sign until mid September- with all these transits, you are being asked to look at your past, come to terms with your past relationships, your feminine energy and how you want to move forward- this is a time of great change.

Leo: This Full Moon highlights relationships, partnerships, maturity, healing and feeling for others. With your lord, Sun, in Leo, you will feel more powerful this month, yet with the planet of communication Mercury Retrograde and combust for the next two weeks in Leo, this is a time where you have an opportunity to show up differently as a leader. You may feel like bursting, and have the potential to feed the drama and make others feel marginalized or small- this power that you have needs to be accepted with humility, to be a great leader, you have to learn how to be a servant. Venus retrograde in your 12th house of loss, makes you consider what needs to be let go of. What tacts of love and romance need to be reviewed and removed. How can your leading presence inspire your partner to face their traumas in love and life as well- they may not feel seen or heard, but your have the power to give them that space. The power is yours.

Virgo: This Full Moon highlights health, debts and losses. It is important to brace yourself for the next week or so as your lord, Mercury, is not only retrograde, but also going to be combust in your 12th house of loss. You will want to watch your digestion, your immune system and move forward with caution. Mars, the planet of accidents, sits in Virgo, making you more aggressive and upset about being overlooked or not heard at your work/home life and with your partner. There is a lot of change in the air for you, transformation and shifts. This is an important time to proceed slowly, with caution and keep your emotional state centered at this time. Think twice before you act or react. You will be prone to giving up or feeling like you cant seem to be understood of get ahead. This will pass after 2 weeks, and you will be back to full charge forward movement. This is a good time to notice where you are being asked to evolve.

Libra: This Full Moon highlights children, creative projects and fun/recreation. Take time to create your vision, and dont rush trying to get it across to others. Take time to assess the risk-reward ratio, risk management with projects or kids is a skill. Your lord, Venus, will be retrograde until Sept 15th. You will be drawn to redefining your role on business. What excites you? How does your creativity wish to come forth- right now, your creativity may just want to serve you and your inner growth. Though this may look counter productive to others, this may be the medicine you need inorder to feel full in yourself to move forward. With three planets retrograde in the sky, there is an area of nostalgia, thinking of past inspiration, past projects, past loves. This will help inform your future and help you connect to a deeper sense of purpose.

Scorpio: This Full Moon highlights home, education, happiness and mother. This is a good time to understand and be open to career changes, moving, traveling and going deep into your feelings of happiness and family values. You are asked to heal some family trauma with your incarnation, and with that you will chart your own path forward. Don’t get swallowed by this emotionally, and witness the drama at work. Be mindful of how you act and react- as to not take any of the drama home with you, or take it to heart. Your lord, Mars, is in your 11th house of income and achievement. This is a good month to feel abundant and align the Full Moon with more depth, power, healing, occult practices, and water element. Venus is retrograde in your 9th house of travel and philosophy- you may revisit a beautiful place that causes you to redefine your philosophical ideals on love and spirit. Look up, there is beauty all around you.

Sagittarius: This Full Moon highlights your speech, communication, running errands and siblings. For the next few weeks you may be considering traveling or resisting it- either way, the topic will come up. You will have to figure out what is a plan that honors you and doesn’t overlook or make the other feel unheard. Be aware of some drama that comes your way. You will need to manage anger spurts and your need to be correct or ‘right.’ Venus is in your 8th house on transformation Retrograde. This is a good time to go through particular karmas with love, romance and your feminine nature- be sure to nurture this. Notice where your words have the power to heal.

Capricorn: This Full Moon highlights family, fixed assets, and food. This Full Moon is also looking for healing and change in these regions as well. There may be drama produced on the home front or within your family, be aware of your position to add to the drama or not- you are in control of how you act and react. But the lesson and purpose is to review, clear things up and create a plan for change and transformation that doesn’t overlook anyones needs.

Aquarius: This Full Moon is about you. It is time to notice the emotional waves, and answer the call of growth and maturity being asked of you at this time. This is in the sphere of self growth and relationship growth. Where do your patterns of communication need to change? How can you honor your self and not overlook the needs of others? Your health and wellbeing are on the line- grow into more happiness or stay stuck? You must chart your own path, understand sacrifice and with combust retrograde mercury with Sun in your 7th house of relationships, this proves to be a challenging time and not so hospitable communication. But this is meant to be moved through with honesty and understanding. Be open and unafraid to receive your karma from this transit, but also be open to a more powerful version of yourself meeting you on the other side.

Pisces: This Full Moon highlights new beginnings, losses, sleep, solitude and time management. This is a very spiritual full moon for you and one also bringing up health. Where are you not using your time wisely. Also, with retrograde mercury in your 6th house of debts, disputes and health being combust until Sept 13th, this is an important time to be cautious with your words, with cars, your health and any drama around you- you have the choice to act or react to feed the drama or not. This is an important time for meditation, silence, health and solitude.

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