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February New Moon: A Deeper Analysis

Updated: Feb 11, 2021

New Moon and Six Planet Conjunction

February 11th 2021 at ~1:05:00 pm EST

New Moon with 6 planets in the sign where the New Moon falls: Capricorn

Please review last post to be briefed on general New Moon effects.

This deeper analysis goes into more subtleties that are going to be present in the global psyche. This deeper analysis is based on the synergy of nakshatra, or lunar mansions, within the zodiacs.

Lunar mansions or star constellations divide a zodiac into 2.5 sections. They show the status of the heart and mind- thus the perception of man is altered by them as the Moon changes nakshatras everyday(!). When planets, known as ‘Graha’ in sanskrit which means ‘to grasp,’ move through these subtle divisions of the sky, each division grasps the mind differently or grasps how you relate to the area of life that that planet occupying it signifies.

I digress.

Back to the New Moon.

In order to understand this New Moon, the whole cluster in Capricorn needs to be unpacked…

Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will all occupy Shravana Nakshatra (star of the ear) during the time of the New Moon. While the Sun and Moon occupy Dhanistha. In less than 17 degrees of sky, you have SIX planets.

Mercury is Retrograde in Shravana causing what we hear, to get misconstrued. Being a good listener in a way translates into our level of knowledge, teaching ability and how well we communicate. It is in the capacity to listen that a response most harmonized to the individual can be developed; thus our command as a communicator can be understood. The ear symbol shows our need for feedback, to hear the praises about us in our career or job sphere.

Often I see those with strong Shravana being addicted to their phone or constantly reading newspapers or watching the news. But with this, comes an increase in fear in those with high Shravana energy. Their minds are easily swept up in whatever they listening to or whatever exchanges they have with others about what news is being promoted. Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus will definitely cause those to be more critical about what they are hearing, but also succumb to more fear from the news. They will see whom ever has the more powerful verbal skills to be one they should trust. Yet, one's strong verbal abilities may be what pulls and seduces its listener, but deeper confusion could be the final result. Choose to use your disciplined focused action on listening to those that enlighten you and feel they radiate wisdom.

This is a time to understand your inner voice and be mindful of the voices in the news and media that are devoid of hope.

With Mercury Retrograde and the Kal Sarpa Yoga, we may be prone to more emotionally unbalanced reactions when mercury’s messages in the work place are lost in translation.

We may feel like a ‘know it all’ during this new moon or equate our level of success and ego gratification to how many weighty responsibilities have been entrusted to us.

We may be jumping to pessimistic conclusions, blocking our natural and innocent receptivity to listening to others, that we loose some of what makes us great in the first place.

We are searching for solutions, and if work/home gratification does not ensue, then we may turn to a fun time or impulse buying.

Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are creating one voice- shouting into the publics ears inspiring fear. Mercury is trying to communicate a message, that may feel like we are going backwards in the financial, trade and business realms. There is a lot of our plates, and the keen and patient listeners will be the ones who come to healthy conclusions.

Sun and Moon are in Dhanishta: a star ruled by mars, planet of passion aggression motivation and fire. The location of Mars in Aries shows that the motivation is around the ‘self’ the ‘I.’ But not just any ‘I’ but the self as it relates to beauty, cars, luxury, and sexuality: as mars sits in the star of the female yoni Bharani. Dhanistha has a special affinity for affluent parties, celebrations, and relate to music with drums and flutes. The Sun and Moon will bring in a desire to seek security in material objects, wearing new jewelry, getting new clothes, displaying one’s talents of singing or dancing. There may be a general need for one to assert ones self to show others the gifts and talents one possesses. Many may feel the need to be the center of attention but do impulsive and possibly regrettable things in order to invite the attention of others. Again, with Kal Sarpa Yoga, all planets hemmed on the side of Rahu and Ketu, looking for attention will be in ways where one may not be seeing things clearly. This will be seen especially in the music industry and sports. The energy of risk is there, and with a lopsided mind/emotions, a need to assert the ego, and just ‘do something’ feelings, this will not bring wise decisions hindsight. Instead, decisions that our bodies or egos end up limping away from.

With all this being said… Musicians and Athletes may get an extra use in the media this week. Again some sex scandals with woman are possible in both industries that could get very big media attention. Either way, drummers other musicians or athletes may get extra media attention or be used to push mass media agenda. Look out for this.

If you get invited to a gathering, online or otherwise, factor in a bit more time to get there, as mercury retrograde may cause the directions to get muffled. There will be a lot of attention on things that otherwise would not have been made public this week with companies that have a major public roll and/or tech companies. I mentioned a media slight of hand, things may be leaked, but there is a general pumping of negative information into the media that is saying one thing, but if you are a keen patient listener you will ‘hear’ the real messages behind it and know how to respond.

Happy New Moon

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